Loving God...Loving People


We believe in reaching out far and wide with the love of God. Life Church has always had an incredibly rich history of foreign missions, investing and pioneering missions bases in foreign lands and supporting missionaries reaching the unreached in countries such as France, Armenia, Brazil, Bhutan, Siberia, Laos, Nepal, Korea, and India.

It’s always been about the message, getting the message of Jesus Christ out to those near and far. The history of missions has been to go physically, but we are now seeing a new evangelistic tool emerge through the growth and accessibility of the internet. Through the internet, people all around the world are listening to the message. People are finding us from nations we would have never have expected and hearing the Good News - it’s a new way of reaching more people than ever before, and we are excited to see how this will grow and develop.

Life Church Missions Abroad continues to support missionaries and missions projects going on in various countries, giving much needed financial and prayer support to workers out in some of the neediest areas on earth. We give to humanitarian aid projects with a missions focus and send financial support to help further the relief of poverty and suffering as well as preach the gospel.

From a little place right down in the southeast of England, we are impacting nations, people groups, families and individuals all around the world. Join us in touching the world with the love of God!

If you would like to know more about Life Church Missions please email us at info@lifechurchuk.org

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